A concrete foundation provides a solid, stable base for your home. However, over time it may develop cracks and other problems that require concrete repair.

The most common reason for cracking is soil settling around the foundation. Other causes include moisture infiltrating the concrete walls.

Cracked or Cracking Concrete

If you notice cracks in the concrete on your home’s foundation, it may be a sign that there is a serious problem. This is especially true if the cracks are bigger and wider than they should be.

Most cracks in concrete slabs occur due to weather, water, and soil. These natural elements affect how your concrete will crack and how long it will take to repair.

These cracks may be a sign that your foundation has settled or the soil around it is expanding. The sooner you address these issues, the less likely it is that your concrete slab will crack.

Structural Cracks

There are a few different types of cracks that you might see in your foundation. Structural cracks are a common concern because they can cause damage to your home and even threaten its safety.

Structural cracks usually grow wider over time and can be difficult to diagnose without a professional evaluation. These cracks are often larger than 3mm in width and can appear horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

Non-structural cracks, on the other hand, are less of a concern as long as they don’t get larger. These can happen when concrete shrinks, shifts, or changes moisture levels.

Structural Damage

Structural damage is a serious problem that can only be fixed by a professional. Whether you’re buying a new home or preparing to sell, it’s best to hire a building inspector who’s specialised in structural damage.

Cracked concrete and foundation damage are often a sign of underlying problems like settlement or native fill soils that haven’t been compacted properly. If the damage is not fixed, these problems can become worse and can eventually cause a house to collapse.

Diagonal and vertical foundation cracks are usually caused by normal settling of the concrete, but horizontal cracks can indicate a serious issue that requires the attention of a foundation contractor. Repairing these types of cracks can include excavating around the affected wall, hydraulic lifting or underpinning with steel.

Moisture Damage

Moisture damage is a common reason you might need concrete repair on your foundation. It can occur through seasonal changes in the water table or through the erosion of the soil around your foundation.

Regardless of where the water comes from, it can cause significant problems. It can make the concrete in your home weaker, lead to mold issues and damage the structure of your foundation.

Fortunately, there are many ways to address moisture damage on your concrete and keep it in good shape. For example, you can invest in a dehumidifier to pull moisture from the concrete and air it out. You can also install a sump pump in case of any major leaks. This will help you dry out your home and minimize the risk of long-term structural damage and mold growth.

Water Leaks

Water leaks are a common cause of foundation damage and can be very expensive to repair. If you have any concerns about a possible leak in your home, call a licensed plumber to come out and take a look at it.

A leak in your house is a serious problem and needs to be dealt with immediately. If left unchecked, the damage can become worse and can even result in mold or mildew.

The most obvious sign of a leak is the presence of water in your basement. This is usually caused by rainwater collecting in the soil next to your foundation.