If your electric bill is through the roof some months and a bit less squirrely during others, there are a few things that can be done to help. One of these is to make sure your home has the right amount of attic insulation.

Attic insulation can save you money on your electricity bill by lowering the energy you use to heat and cool your home. It can also help to keep your home more comfortable and increase its value.

1. It Keeps Your Furnace Cooler

If you’re looking to save on your electricity bill, you may want to consider adding insulation. Not only can it help you stay cool and comfortable, but it can also improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Insulation can also keep moisture out of your attic space, which helps prevent damage to walls and ceilings from ice dams in cold climates or the growth of mold or mildew.

You might not realize it, but many older homes were built without proper attic insulation. And while the insulation in many of these homes is fine, it’s likely not doing all that it can to keep your home comfortable.

So if you’re looking to lower your electric bills, consider upgrading your attic insulation this summer. You’ll be surprised at how much money it can save you! Plus, it can add value to your home and give you a solid return on your investment. Start by getting a quote for your project today!

2. It Keeps Your Cooling System Working More Efficiently

Attic Insulation keeps the heat from your attic from escaping and rising to your home, thereby keeping your cooling system working more efficiently. That means less money spent on running your AC.

In addition, it prevents a process called the “Stack Effect.” When air gets warm in the attic, it naturally flows out towards the cooler air inside your home.

This natural movement of conditioned air is a problem for many homes, especially those with poor insulation.

Fortunately, it’s an easy fix! Attic insulation can be installed by a professional to keep your HVAC system working more efficiently.

Several types of attic insulation are available, including batts, rolls, loose-fill, and fiberglass. The type of insulation used depends on the climate where you live and your home’s needs.

3. It Keeps Your Heating System Working Less Efficiently

If you have an uninsulated attic space, your heating system is forced to work harder to keep your home at a consistent temperature. When this happens, your electric bill can start to skyrocket.

In addition, if you have any gas appliances, such as a furnace or water heater, you may end up releasing carbon monoxide into your home. This odorless, colorless gas can cause flu-like symptoms and even death.

Attic insulation helps prevent this leakage by blocking the flow of air from your attic into the interior living spaces of your house. It also keeps air from sinking into the floors of your house and causing hot or cold spots.

4. It Keeps Your Home More Comfortable

When your home is insulated, you’ll notice that the temperature in your rooms is more consistent year-round. This makes your home more comfortable and reduces your energy bill.

Insulation in the attic keeps heat from escaping during winter and from coming in during summer, making your home more comfortable throughout the year. This reduces your heating and cooling system’s energy use, and helps you save money on your monthly electric bills.

Attic insulation can also improve indoor air quality and increase the lifespan of your heating and cooling systems. It also helps to reduce your home’s carbon footprint by reducing electricity produced from fossil fuels.